Bob Wolusky Chimney & Masonry Co.
Bob Wolusky Chimney & Masonry Co.
Bob Wolusky Chimney & Masonry Co.

Masonry Braintree

Humans have used masonry primarily to build structures that provide shelter however they have also used masonry to build tombs, religious edifices, urban skyscrapers and a plethora of other structures. The type of material used by masons has traditionally depended on what was available in the immediate surrounds and the same rule applies for modern day masons like those at Masonry Braintree.

For example, the ancient Egyptians would use local supplies of granite and limestone which they mined from local quarries, and modern masons will typically use readily available material such as bricks and concrete.

Masonry is an activity individuals can perform themselves or if it is a difficult job, they can engage the services of a professional masonry company such as Masonry Braintree.

Some stats.

In 2022 it is estimated that there are approximately 94,159 masonry companies the total masonry industry is worth $30.7 billion. The masonry market composed of companies like Masonry Braintree ranks as the 21st largest in the construction industry and the 336th largest market in the US economy.

Masonry materials
Masonry has traditionally used materials readily available from the surrounding environment and nothing much has changed for modern era masons. For example, the most commonly used materials for modern masonry companies like Masonry Braintree include mined materials like clay, sand and rocks such as granite, sandstone, and marble and limestone.

Perhaps the most common materials used by masons are concrete blocks and bricks, and both of these are composed of natural material. Concrete blocks are composed of cement sand and water whereas bricks are composed of clay and water and sometimes shale. 

The most common used building material used by masons working for companies such as Masonry Braintree when building in the urban environment, are bricks. There are 4 types of bricks and these are facing bricks, engineering bricks, common bricks and dam-proof course bricks.

Facing bricks are the most commonly used bricks and humans have been using facing bricks for thousands of years. Facing bricks are so named because they are used for building external walls which are off course the walls facing the outside world. Facing bricks are also the brick of choice for companies like Masonry Braintree when constructing exterior walls. Facing bricks are used for their aesthetic appeal.

Engineering bricks are bricks that are used because of their strength and capacity to bear weight. Engineering bricks also have lower water absorption rates which makes them a brick of choice for companies like Masonry Braintree when building structures. Engineering bricks are categorized as either Class A or Class B. Class A engineering bricks are the stronger of the two but Class B are the most commonly found.

Sometimes names can be misleading and this is certainly the case with Common Bricks. Common Bricks are in fact, the least commonly found bricks and the least commonly used brick by masonry companies such as Masonry Braintree. They are called common (as in lower class commoners) because of the lack of strength and lack of consistency when it comes to appearance.

Damp proof bricks are the opposite to common bricks in the respect that the name says it all. Damp proof bricks as the name suggests have a lower absorption rate than other bricks which makes them the perfect for companies like Masonry Braintree when building structures that have to withstand damp conditions.
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